As someone who runs a nonprofit organization, one of your goals is likely to make the best use of the limited resources you have. You want to help as many people as you can, while keeping operating costs down. But sometimes it also makes sense to spend some money on things other than programs, or other things directly related to your cause, in order to grow your organization.
One area of spending that you might want to consider increasing is marketing. Now, you might think of marketing as something a business should do, but not necessarily a nonprofit, but you might want to shift your thinking on this. Marketing—especially digital marketing—can be a great way to get the word out about your organization to people who might never know about it otherwise. Those people can then be converted into clients, supporters, and donors.
If you want to do some online advertising, but don’t have the budget for it, you should definitely look into the Google Ad Grant program. Qualifying nonprofits can receive up to $10,000 per month in free advertising on Google through the program! If you’ve looked into Google Ads before, and decided they were too complicated to pursue any further, you’re not alone. Crafting Google Ads and monitoring their progress can take hours of your valuable time. But fortunately for busy nonprofit employees, there are companies you can hire for Google Ad Grant management for nonprofits.
If you’re someone who typically handles all of your nonprofit’s operations in-house, you might be wondering, “Why would I pay someone to manage my free ads?” This is a great question, and a smart one to be asking if you work for a nonprofit with limited funds. Running an effective Google Ad campaign can be tricky. If you try to do it on your own, you can spend a whole lot of time spinning your wheels and not see any results. You’ll likely abandon your Google Ad campaign in frustration, considering it a big waste of time.
Let’s be honest, your time is better spent elsewhere at your nonprofit organization. By outsourcing your Google Ad Grant management to professionals, you can get the most out of your free Google Ads, and free up your time to be spent elsewhere.
Not only can a Google Ad Grant management company help you apply for the Google Ad Grant, they can then help you come up with a campaign strategy that will support your nonprofit’s goals for growth. Want to increase the number of subscribers to your mailing list? Looking to promote an upcoming event? Hoping to reach more clients in a neighboring city? A carefully crafted Google Ad campaign can help with these goals, and may even be able to help you raise more funds for your nonprofit!